Hello, friends! Today, I am excited to share my amazing cinnamon rolls recipe that I make every year to kick-start the holiday season and celebrate Saint Nicholas - Moș Nicolae. Let's get started!

For the rolls, you'll need:

❄️170ml of milk
❄️80 ml of water
❄️200g of sugar
❄️15g of dry yeast
❄️1 egg
❄️200g of butter
❄️a pinch of salt
❄️500g of multipurpose flour
❄️10g of cinnamon
❄️170g of cream cheese (Philadelphia)
❄️100g of powdered sugar
❄️2 spoons of vanilla essence

🥮First, heat the milk slightly and pour the water on top of it. Then dissolve the yeast in the composition along with 2 spoons of sugar (20g).

🥮Pour this blend in a bigger bowl and add the egg, 80g of sugar, 85g of melted butter, 1 spoon of vanilla essence, and a pinch of salt. Mix well together.

🥮Add the 500g of flour and mix until the composition is nice and even.

🥮Sprinkle some flour on the table and take the dough out of the bowl. Start working the dough with your fingers until it's slightly sticky. Don't add too much flour!

🥮After around 5 minutes of mixing with your hands, put the dough back in the bowl and let it rest for about 1 hour to rise.

🥮Meanwhile, prepare the filling for the rolls. Leave 75g of butter to soften at room temperature and mix 100g of sugar with 10g of cinnamon. You can also add nuts to this part if you'd like.

🥮After an hour has passed, take the dough out of the bowl and roll it into a 35x60cm sheet of dough.

🥮Take the softened butter and spread it on the sheet. Make sure the entire surface is covered. Take the sugar and cinnamon mix and cover the entire dough with it.

🥮Roll the dough sheet inside carefully until you have a big roll. Cut about 5cm pieces, and you should have 12 cinnamon rolls.

🥮Preheat the oven at 180 degrees and put the rolls on a was layered with baking paper. Leave the rolls in the oven for 30-40 minutes until they turn golden brown.

🥮While the rolls are in the oven, prepare the glaze. Mix 170g of cream cheese, 40g of soft butter, and 100g of powdered sugar. Mix well until the composition is soft.

🥮After you take the rolls out of the oven, spread the glaze on top of them while they're hot so it melts nicely all around.

I hope you enjoyed this recipe, and good luck baking! Happy Holidays! 🎄🎅🏻

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