Hey guys! This is my Pyramid Head Dead by Daylight cosplay and I'm so excited to show you the process! πŸ—‘οΈ

First step was putting together the sword, all 9 pieces, and this is what it looks like! We just reinforced the glue on it and the next step here is to fill in the spaces between each piece, sand it and paint it. πŸ‘€

Check out these close-up shots of every little dot that has been applied manually and later painted over. It was a lot of work, but totally worth it! πŸ’₯

And here it is, the final result! I'm really proud of how it turned out!

Thanks for checking out my cosplay journey!

It’s been a long time but I am back! Enjoy my Pyramid Head Cosplay, as usual, completely done by hand from scratch.
by u/BearerineTV in deadbydaylight